Top Digital Marketing Tool – Free Trials Worth $700

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I am someone who likes to try things before I buy. Especially when it comes to online tools, I prefer taking a long trial before I buy. Today, I would not only share the top must have tools but also some cool offers for any digital marketer or business who would like to initiate digital marketing for their business, to try these tools yourself for your clients or your business

1. MOZ (Previously SEOMOZ)

MOZ has always been my favorite tool, (And Rand is my Man )because it comes with a complete package. It offers various tools including:

a): Link analysis – open site explorer: This is not as great as other link explorers like Ahrefs or majestic but powerful enough to give you some insights about your own and competitors link profile.

b): On-page grading

c): Website crawl report

d): Analytics – It pulls data from your analytics account and give you nice analysis and insights.

e): Rank tracking – Gives you an option to track 350 keywords

f): Fresh-web explorer – Lets you know about your brand mentions on the web – very cool right?

g): Follower wonk – Twitter analytics and insights tool.

h): Keyword Analysis – Very cool tool to know how competitive a keyword.

Overall like I mentioned before that it comes with a complete package in $99 a month. Moreover you can manage up-to 5 websites in the same account. You cannot ask or take more than this in $99 a month. It usually comes with a 30 free trial but I have a steal link J which can give you an extended 90 days trial. Oh you can thank me by linking and sharing this post.

Here is the Offer: 90 days free Trial

Offer URL: Click Here

2. Crazy Egg:

Crazy egg is an analytics tool. Frankly speaking, I have not used any analytics tool except Google and Sitecore Analytics. It’s hard for me to recommend this to anyone but it looks very promising with 4 fantastic features and I will use its 90 days trial to see how effective it is. Here are the 4 highlighted features:

a): Heatmaps: Heatmaps gives you insights about where users are rolling their mouse, where exactly they are looking and identify most important areas in your website pages. This is extremely important for someone looking to improve conversion rates or implement some engaging elements on the webpage.

b): Scrollmaps: Similar to heatmaps, it also offers scrollmap functionality to see how people are engaging with the web page. Are they using below the fold area or not. So it gives an overall picture of which section of the page is more important.

c): Overlay: Overlay tool lets you know about number of times an internal or external link has been clicked by the user. The links can be hyperlinks or icons or images.

d): Confitti: It is very similar to heatmaps but gives you more insight about a visitor.

I think I will use this trial offer myself and then might write a detailed review on crazyegg to give you more insights. I think a blog post on head to head comparison between Google analytics and crazy egg would be more interesting to the users. Anyways – here is the offer.

Offer: 90 days free Trial

Offer URL: Click here

3. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a different animal from the above 2 tools. This is a power tool for social media marketing. You can manage you major social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn and its groups using hootsuite. Although it has a free version (which has some limitation) but pro account ($9.99/month) gives you some extra features like adding more account, groups and post scheduling option using bulk uploads.

It also has a reporting feature which can help you find insights and social sentiments (This needs some extra API integration and cost). But overall it is must for any business looking to leverage social media as a branding or lead generation channel.

Offer: 30 days free Trial

Offer URL: Click here

4. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a dark horse of email marketing channel. Don’t be surprised if someone compares it with the giants for email marketing like market or Eloqua. Although it is nowhere near to what these marketing automation tools offer, but it is good enough for any small business owner to build a pipeline and engage with its users. If you are a startup, then you can use this absolutely free for your 2000 opt-in subscribers. Paid version may offer more flexibility which is also not expensive by any means.

Offer: Free for 2000 opt-ins and subscribers

Offer URL: Click here

5. Coginitive SEO

From the name we can figure out that this tool is one among one of the SEO tools again (second tool in this list after MOZ). Cognitive SEO is one of the promising SEO tools I have seen in the last 2 years. Cognitive comes as a package with features like:

  • Link analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Rank tracker
  • Research reports
  • Social analysis

But what makes it unique is its ability of daily rank checker and un-natural link detection feature which is not available as a package in any of the SEO tools. This makes it really exciting and helpful for agencies and companies who have suffered from penguin or un-natural link penalty.

Offer: 15 days free Trial

Offer URL: Click here

I hope this blog was helpful to you. Do you have any other tools which you would like to recommend? Please let us know in the comments below.


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Top Digital Marketing Tool – Free Trials Worth $700

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